Introduction to the Silent Stream of Consciousness

“Touch of Love in a Dimension of Heaven, From Earth to Heavens Island” is a Spiritual Psychological journey into the Dimensions of Consciousness. This is a journey into the mind and soul.  The original story of Heavens Island is hand written in 1961. It remains dormant, in an old notebook, for more than fifty years. This original account of “From Earth to Heavens Island” continues but is expanded to include information and meditative imagery derived from later books, research and crossings into the collective consciousness within the mind.

The mind determines our reality; therefore, nothing is real or unreal. Thought is the designer of our personal experience. A quiet mind enters a spiritual and mystical place. The vehicle of transportation is the spiritual body. Transport to places beyond space-time is conceivable for all. This includes transcendent situations which occur in memory and in places between earth and a vast domain of conscious awareness. We wonder, what is real? Reflection into the past and future leads to the Sacred Light of Understanding. This reflection or mirror image upon the self, arouses Holy Inspiration in a sphere of darkness.

A Silent Stream of Consciousness exists within the mind where everything is a possibility. Become mindful of these higher levels or consciousness. Guide others into this world, in which dreams are a reality. The first step, and most important, is to pray for Divine Guidance and assistance. Enter this realm with a spirit of Love and compassion. This is a domain where thought form appears and disappears. Internal images are derived from a limitless, universal consciousness. Control is always within our own mind. We have been there frequently in lucid dreams and during various altered states of consciousness. Become aware of each blessing as we reach higher levels of consciousness.  Find eternity in the Silence of the Mind during prayer and meditation. Always expect and allow only goodness to enter. Enter the Kingdom of God in the Dimensions of Heaven. Explore and journey through Earth to Heavens Island. Seek to convey a Touch of Love toward all.

Everything is occurring during transformed states of consciousness. This includes prayer, contemplation, meditation, spiritual transport, dreams and guided imagery. Information is derived from within the sub-consciousness and cosmic mind. Guided Meditations for achieving a higher level of consciousness lead the way through the dimensions. Ancient mysteries are known to all, but are hidden within the psyche.  Spiritual experience combined with inspiration, basic science and philosophical information lead us toward understanding. Experience now, this Touch of Love in a Dimension of Heaven.

“This is a very profound entrancing state in which the ability to visit actual places, actual reality in the form of the astral or spiritual substance exists. A world of subtle matter materializes into existence. There is the ability to visit other dimensions while living in this third dimensional consciousness. In this state of bi location, the physical body is inactive, physically immobile and safe while the spiritual body is traveling and able to communicate in an absolute world of tangible substance. This is an ancient concept and a natural ability that is frequently dormant. It is practiced by many saints and spiritual leaders. It is now essential to awaken to the Holy Light in the spiritual cosmos, the realm of the Creator.”

Living in the Holy Spirit of God’s Love



All are living in the Holy Spirit of God’s Love. We then ask, who is God? Where is God? What is God? As I recall from first grade religion, God is Spirit, God is everywhere. God lives in, and as part of, everything. God is everything. This Holy and Divine Spirit is the substance of all that exists. God possess all the qualities of the human soul and yet is an immortal Divine being. God is living in the presence of this moment and eternally in all of creation. Let us be a channel of God’s Love, Life, and Peace.

We are living in the Holy Spirit of Divine Love. Only Love is of God because God is Love. Darkness immediately disappears in the moment that a light appears. Darkness and all adversity is absent in the Light of God. All are one; we are individual and yet One in mind in the Spirit of Love. This is the Will of God that is written within our Heart. We pray now for all in our personal and holy family; our sisters, brothers, friends and all in need, for a vision of the Light of Love and Peace.

God is living; there is life that is visible in all of nature. We see the dawn and sunrise of each new day. The earth is precisely and meticulously moving. Life is so intricate and detailed that to deny planned and intelligent purpose in all existence is to say that something just appeared from chaotic substance. God lives in all that is Life. God is energy, which is intelligent, creative spirit and the reason for all of existence. The perfection and detail of every phase of being is divine. God is the universal spirit of all things.

Our mission is Peace and Love for all of creation. God created heaven and earth and all that exists. Enlighten your mind, heart and soul and know that we are one in Love. There is life that is visible in all of nature; “for in Him we live and move and exist.” (Hebrews 11:1) (1) God lives in all that is Life. This is a deep mystery that we do not comprehend but must experience and feel the presence of Holy Love. Magnificent beauty and splendor exist. The Stillness of the Mind during silent meditation leads to a vision of Heaven on Earth. God is Love, aware, knowing, conscious of self, personal and yet universal and the eternal creative energy permeating and filling all with Life. This is the spirit of God.

Everything is God and part of God. All that we encounter is mystical and is a natural occurrences or an unexplained reality. Humanity often considers the unexplained mystical. The mysteries of life are scientific facts, waiting to be discovered. According to Scripture, God created humankind in the image and likeness of God. All that we are as human beings God is. If we exist and life exists then God exists and is alive and well. We are co-creators in a universal existence. All that exists is eternal. All things, God formed, using nothing but that which is of the divine nature. Matter, energy, intelligence and thought, desire and creativeness all that we see in our self exists within God. Energy is eternal. It always exists and is indestructible. Matter is a slower moving form of energy. All is of one substance. All creation occurred with in the mind of the universal creator. We have energy so therefore God has energy, we can think therefore God can think. We have life. God has Life. God is living here and now in every move and every breath. God is life and Love, and all things all creation.

We live and move in God’s Holy Spirit. God is the energy of life and the way that leads, motivates, and gives us our being. Reality is the manifestation of an object that you see, hear, feel, and believe. We have eyes so we can see and we have ears to hear. Look and listen, God is everywhere and in all things. God is life and the life that is in all things and all of existence. The living God is part of us and lives, moves, and has being in every living creature. God is eternal, and always present. We know as fact that there is life and God is life. All that we experience is an expression of the Divine nature of our Creator who is only good.

The Stillness of the Mind during meditation leads to a vision of Heaven on Earth. God is Love, aware, knowing, conscious of self, personal and yet universal and the eternal creative energy permeating and filling all with Life. All of reality is mystical, and transcendent. According to Scripture, God created humankind in the image and likeness of God. All that we are as human beings God is. If we exist and life exists then God exists. We are co-creators in a universal, eternal, existence. All that we experience is an expression of the Divine nature of our Creator who is only good.

Most religions are faith based, which is belief without absolute knowing. To know something is to take away choice or freewill. This would make us puppets on a string. As a Christian, I have faith in the existence of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe in Jesus who is the Christ, the physical personification of the one God. I believe and I have faith in God of my own free will. This is a gift of freedom that God bestows on humanity. Lack of choice eliminates individuality and our existence as a person. Therefore, absolute knowing eliminates choice and the concept of self as a free and independent individual. I believe, I have faith and I trust. If God suddenly appeared to all people and said; I am here, you can see, hear, touch and feel my presence, and demonstrated proof of this, all would know but without a choice. This would be the end of faith, religion, choice, freewill, and all that makes us human beings. Freedom and the choice to exercise that freedom are the essence of our humanity. We can only love because we are free to love otherwise it would not be love. Believers live by Faith. Life appears as though we are living in a dream. Mankind fell asleep and lost consciousness of our true reality in the presence of God.

Awaken now and the Divine Light will glow in our mind, heart and soul to enlighten our life and thoughts. This is a way of Living in the Spirt of God. The Divine Light of Holy Love will glow in our mind, heart and soul to enlighten our life and thoughts. This is the way to the Arising Spirt of God on Earth as in Heaven.


Living in the Spirit of God


The Beginning “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. …” (Genesis 1) NASB In the beginning, there was the eternal Spirit of God. Everything that exists is composed using orderly creative energy; this is sacred Spirit. Science now begins to support the ancient beliefs of eastern teachings that we live in a world of illusion. The physical world in fact is both particle and wave unified into one interacting unit. The concept that we are “light beings” takes on a clearer meaning through this concept. “We are spiritual beings having a human experience”. Divine grace and power flows within our mind and soul. This is the Light of God. God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. …” (Genesis 1) NASB  All that exists here and now is eternal. The substance of creation is part of the being of God. We know that it is true because it exists here and now in this present moment. God created only of Himself. We perceive our self as a physical body with intelligence or the ability to think, reason, remember, and retain information. We have the ability to build and create using energy or power inspired by free will. We have feeling, emotion, including love and caring.  Is this eternal mind, knowledge and intelligence; or is creation a chaotic event without reason or purpose?

The Components of Life and Conscious Existence include: Energy— is the ability to move, create, and work. It is the power moving all things. Energy is the capacity of a physical system to perform work. The reality of energy is that that matter (mass) and energy are interchangeable through Einstein’s famous formula, E=mc2. Of course this can also be written m=E/c2. Matter/mass is equal to energy “slowed down” by the speed of light squared. Matter and energy, are interchangeable Matter— is that which has weight and occupies space/a slower vibration of energy. It occupies space, and perceived by one or more physical senses. Matter includes a physical body, a physical substance, or the universe as a whole. According to physics matter may actually be nothing more than a series of organized patterns out of focus and that subatomic “particles” are not really made of energy, but simply are energy. It requires intelligence and creative energy to organize. Intelligence/Mind— is the ability to think, reason, know and create in an orderly manner. The ability to attribute mental states to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, and intentions that are different from one’s own. Feeling— is the ability to be content, to have feelings, emotion, love, and peace. It is the ability to express mental states showing emotion or sensitivity. Synonyms include, sensitive, warm, warmhearted, tender, tenderhearted, caring, sympathetic, kind, compassionate, understanding and thoughtful. Will—the ability to choose and make decisions independently. This is free will which also is a gift is given to humanity. Will, inspires motivation to accomplish tasks. Free will allows independent decision to choose our course of action.

Energy is eternal. Matter is a slower moving vibrational energy. It is eternal substance, which changes in form. This is God/Transcendent/Divinity/the Force or Creator. The Spirit of God possesses the power to move and create using intelligence, mind, thought and all the components of life. God created humanity in His own image. We are an extension of God. We are at one. “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; …God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 26- 28) (NASB) As God extended himself using all creative energy, power, intelligence, will, mind and matter, the Son of God emerged. As the Son created of Himself, there arose all souls within a Holy Spirit God. We are living in the Spirit of God this present moment. God possess all power to manifest in many forms and with various names but there is only one universal God. God lives in and through all and yet maintains individuality. This is infinite spirit and personal. God is body, mind, spirit, and soul indicating a separate person and yet at one with all. He is creative loving, kind and only good. God is intelligent aware and possesses all knowledge and wisdom. We know that this is true because we are living examples of that which is now and forever.

The purpose and reason for creation is to live in the Spirit of God as a Friend. We are of our own free will to live according to an infinite plan, a design for perfect living according to one law of Love for God and each other. Separation from this request leads to chaos automatically according to the Divine scheme of creation. We are the creators of our own reality. Our purpose is to maintain order through love and respect for each other and all creation. This is only a small portion of a much greater reality. It is a simple interpretation based upon various  philosophical teachings and faith. “Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.” —Albert Einstein

The Living God


Receive now God’s Blessings of Spiritual Food for Mind, Heart and Soul. We begin with prayer that in this present moment, we will extend blessings and the peace of God. We are planting the seeds of Holy Inspiration and trust in Gods power to let them grow to be spiritual food for all. “Religious and spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and touch are reported to lengthen life, improve the quality of life, and improve health outcomes by enhancing psychological, physical and spiritual well-being. Research reports are  found in the nursing literature and publications of other health professionals, as well as the professional literature focused on health ministry, chaplaincy, theology, spirituality, spiritual care, and pastoral care. “(5) ANA First, we must believe in the presence of the Living God. There are many who have lost faith and connection with the Creator of all that exists. Faith is the validation of the invisible, and the belief in their reality; faith is recognizing as reality what is unseen by the intellects physical senses. “That they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.”(Acts 17:27-2) “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) (NASB)

God is living; there is life that is visible in all of nature. We see the dawn and sunrise of each new day. The earth is precisely and meticulously moving. Life is so intricate and detailed that to deny planned and intelligent purpose in all life and existence is to say that something just magically appeared from nothing. God lives in all that is Life. God is energy or spirit that is the reason for all of existence. The perfection and detail of every phase of being is divine. God is the universal spirit of all things. This is a deep mystery that we do not comprehend but must experience and feel the presence of Love. Magnificent beauty and splendor exist. The Stillness of the Mind during silent meditation leads to a vision of Heaven on Earth.

God is Love, aware, knowing, conscious of self, personal and yet universal and the eternal creative energy permeating and filling all with Life. This is the spirit of God. I believe that God is real and living. This is natural; there are only natural occurrences and unexplained or misunderstood realities. Humanity often considers the unexplained as supernatural or mystical. All of reality is mystical, transcendent, and preternatural. According to Scripture, God created humankind in the image and likeness of God. All that we are as human beings God is. If we exist and life exists then God exists and is alive and well. We are co-creators in a universal, eternal, existence.

All that exists is eternal. All things, God formed using nothing but that which is of the divine nature. Matter, energy, intelligence and thought, desire and creativeness all that we see in our self exists within God. Energy is eternal. It always exists and is indestructible. Matter is a slower moving form of energy. All is of one substance. All creation occurred with in the mind of the universal creator. We have energy so therefore God has energy, we can think therefore God can think. We have life. God has Life. God is living here and now in every move and every breath. God is life and Love. He is all things all creation. We live and move in the Spirit of God. God is the energy of life and the way that leads us, motivates us, and gives us our being. Reality is the manifestation of an object that you see, hear, feel, and believe. We have eyes so we can see and we have ears to hear. Look and listen, God is everywhere and in all things. God is life and the life that is in all things and all of existence.  The living God is part of us. He lives, moves, and has being in every living thing. God is eternal, and always present.

Science has already proven the existence of God because we know as fact that there is life. There is matter, which is physical, has substance and occupies space. This is very real. There is energy which makes things move and have life this is very real. We have intelligence, emotion, and feeling. All these things exist here and now and are part of all living beings. All that we experience is an expression of the Divine nature of our Creator who is only good. Most religions are faith based, which is belief without absolute knowing. To know something is to take away choice or freewill. This would make us puppets on a string. As a Christian, I have faith in the existence of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I believe in Jesus who is the Christ, the physical personification of God. I believe and I have faith in God of my own free will, which is a human trait, and a gift of God that bestows humanity and freedom. Lack of choice eliminates individuality and our existence as a person. Therefore, absolute knowing eliminates choice and the concept of self as a free and independent individual. I believe, I have faith and I trust. If God suddenly appeared to all people and said; I am here, you can see, hear, touch and feel my presence, and I am all-powerful; and demonstrated proof of this all of us would know but without a choice. This would be the end of faith, religion, choice, freewill, and all that makes us human beings. Freedom and the choice to exercise that freedom are the essence of our humanity. However, as long as we think that we have not seen and yet believe, we live by faith. Nevertheless, we wonder about the reality of God.  God is Spirit. Believers live by Faith not knowledge. We are all sleeping and living in a dream.  Awaken now and the Divine Light will glow in your mind, heart and soul to enlighten your life and thoughts.

This is the way to Living in the Spirt of God on Earth as it is in Heaven.

God’s Beautiful Creation
