Frances Stroh RN, Ph.D.
Caring, Counseling, Education, Information, Books
Established in 1991 by
Frances Stroh RN, Ph.D., Faith Community Nurse
Tolcare is a non-profit Wholistic Interfaith Endeavor.
Our mission is to provide Spiritual Care, Health Education, and Information
with God’s Blessings and Unconditional Love.
About Frances Stroh
Frances Stroh RN, PhD., FCN, is a Faith Community Nurse, Ordained Interfaith Chaplain, Author, and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. She graduated from Queensborough Community College with a degree in Nursing Science in 1982. Then attended the University of the State of NY and Saint John’s University, CA. She received a Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts Degree in Counseling Psychology and a Doctor of Philosophy, PhD., in Spiritual Healing.
Honors include: Magna Cum Laude, and Honorary Doctor of Healing Arts and Sciences for literary accomplishments and volunteer work. Ongoing education includes community health, counseling psychology, wholistic nursing, therapeutic touch, biofeedback, faith community nursing and clinical hypnotherapy. Publications include nine books on meditative imagery and prayer for spiritual care. She is experienced in psychiatric, mental health, developmental disabilities, wholistic, faith community nursing, and school nursing. She is a Faith Community Nurse since 2009 and did volunteer work at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Vero Beach Florida. This includes Health minister, Eucharistic minister, Leader of Sisters in Christ Care and Healing prayer and Meditation groups. Also, Pastoral care visitation, and leader of Spirituality Group at the Behavioral Health Center, Cleveland Clinic, Indian River Hospital in Vero Beach FL.
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